Google apps and extensions

Google Slides

Google Slides can provide much more than just presentations. Virtual classrooms, calendars, interactive lessons, and templates for activities can all be created and shared from Google Slides. 

Templates can be fully customizable after you make a copy and save to your drive. Templates can be used in conjunction with your virtual classrooms or as stand alone templates. They can be shared with students via Seesaw and Google Classroom.

Google Slides Lesson 1- Using the Slides Template

Google Slides Lesson 2 - Creating a New Presentation

Google Slides Lesson 3 - Adding and Formatting Text in Google Slides

Google Slides Lesson 4 - Using the Formatting Toolbar

Google Slides Lesson 5 - Inserting and Formatting Images

Google Slides Lesson 6 - Adding a Slide and Changing the Slide Layout

Google Slides Lesson 7 - Adding and Formatting a Table

Google Slides Lesson 8 - Cropping and Masking Images

Google Slides Lesson 9 - Inserting Links to Images and Text

Google Slides Lesson 10 - Adding a Bulleted List

Google Slides Lesson 11 - Moving Objects Front to Back

Google Slides Lesson 12 - Speaker Notes, Grid Lines, and Sharing

Creating a virtual classroom with Slides

Learn how to create a virtual classroom with clickable links and embedded videos in Google Slides. This is an ideal platform for sharing interactive resources with students and their families during remote learning.

How might we leverage Google Slides to act as a digital workspace for students that combines instructional content (images, audio, video) with a student workspace?  The model explored in this video leverages a few key tools to create the digital experience.

Here is the template (view only copy) of the model outlined in the video. Feel free to make a copy as a starting point for this type of build.

You've finished creating your presentation in Google Slides. How do you send it out? Publish it? Share it? Let's talk about the difference.

Custom Chrome Font

In this tutorial you will learn how to customize the font size and style in Google Chrome settings. This is a great tip for anyone who would prefer a larger font size in Chrome. This video will also show you how to open a specific page each time you open Chrome. Finally, you'll learn where you can verify that Chrome is your default browser.

bookmarks and tabs in chrome

In this tutorial you will learn how you can manage your bookmarks in Chrome as well as how you can pin a tab so it is always accessible. You will be shown how to create bookmark folders and how to delete groups of bookmarks at once. Transitioning from your Chromebook to your MacBook Air is a great opportunity to reorganize your bookmarks and it's also the perfect time to add the BPS Digital Learning staff resources page from the district website to your Bookmarks bar. The link to that page can be found here: 

Many videos on how to integrate Google Apps into the classroom and for remote learning.

record to google drive

Need to share a video? Record directly to Google Drive on an iPad or iPhone.

Install the Google Drive app on your iPad or iPhone

Make a copy

Making a copy of a Google Doc can be helpful for completing assignments and activities or saving to your Google Drive to use later. 

Screencastify is a great option for flipped Remote Learning and can be used to record whatever is on your computer screen as a video while simultaneously recording your audio narration. You can create a recording of the entire screen or just the tab you are using. It allows you to develop narrations with your computer’s microphone, and you can use your computer’s webcam to capture video of you talking to your students about whatever is on the screen. 

Go to Screencastify and click on Add to Chrome. Once installed in your Chrome browser, it will show up as a small icon up at the top of your screen near the web address bar. This works on Chromebooks, MacBooks, and PCs.